how to contact us

monochrom is basically an AI Free Zone. If you find a mistake on our websites, rest assured it was made by a real human being. Contact us, if you feel the urge.
electronic feedback is electronic feedback is electronic feedback // send tons of spam to honigtöpfchen // den datenschutz erklären wir hier ausführlichst // postal address: monochrom, Museumsquartier, Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Vienna, Austria/Europe // Vox: +43-676-783 1453 or +43-650-204 9451 // Fax: +43-1-952 3384
monochrom is...
- art-technology-philosophy group of basket weaving enthusiasts and theory do-it-yourselfers.
- ...the super-affirmation of the globalization trap.
- offer, for a limited time only, to partake of our guided tours and travel services.
- ...but it is also a collage with archive and an alternative listing system that understands how to evade mainstream agricultural influence through the art of movement.
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what people are saying
classic cites about monochrom
"Radikal-konstruktivistisch-non-dualistische Kunst at its best!"
Stefan Weber/telepolis -
"Armaggedon des Cut-Up"
Artefakt -
"Sieht verboten, krank und durcheinander aus."
Markus Wailand/Falter -
"Cut-and-pasted recombinant"
Reign of Toads -
"Die sind jenseits"
Tibi, Sacro Egoismo